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© The Sun Journal

What We Do

AS A SOCIAL IMPACT CONSULTING FIRM we help companies, foundations and individuals make a difference. Our work gets to the heart of the matter. We break silos because it takes more than any one check or policy or letter to tackle big issues like economic security, human rights or climate sustainability. We prescribe a custom formula of advocacy, collaboration, investment, philanthropy, policy and new ways of doing business in order to help you make progress.

Our Services

The process begins with a simple question: What do you want to achieve? The answer becomes the North Star to turn that passion into a purpose. Articulating a mission and architecting a roadmap to reach that end is where Giving Strong comes in. We work with you to build real-world programs that make real social change. Our work is thoughtful, strategic and custom for each client.


  • Strategic Planning
  • Mission and Vision Development
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and ESG Assessment + Programming
  • Crisis and Issues Management
  • Program Development + Evaluation
  • Change Management
  • CSR + ESG Reporting


  • Grant Making
  • Speaker at Business Conference and Presentation. Audience at the conference hall.Impact Investing Counsel
  • Philanthropic Advisory
  • Scholarship Programs


  • Stakeholder Communications
  • Thought Leadership
  • Issues Advocacy + Public Affairs
  • Public Relations
  • Community Relations
  • Content Marketing, development and distribution

Current and Past Clients

Baltic American Freedom Foundation logo
Bank of America Logo
Baltic American Freedom Foundation logo
CEI Capital for Opportunity and Change logo
Finance Authority of Maine logo
Global Impact Investing Network Logo
Harold Alfond Foundation Logo
FB Heron Foundation Logo
Long Cove Builders Logo
Light Sail logo
Maine General Health Logo
Mission Investors Exchange logo
Molnlycke Health Care Logo
Possibility U Logo
Rallypoint Logo

Who We Are

ChristenGrahamChristen Graham brought together her head and her heart when she founded Giving Strong. In previous tenures as a journalist, public relations professional and executive, she intentionally incorporated social impact into her work. Christen has worked with pioneers of the Corporate Social Responsibility movement, leading academic institutions, modern foundations and influential media. She has given voice to underserved people and built programs that foster opportunity. Christen advocates for immigrants by serving on the board of ProsperityME, activates women to be impact investors by serving on the steering committee of Invest for Better, and mentors young people as a Fresh Air Fund host. She is a Tufts University graduate.


Contact Giving Strong

Call us at 207-619-3090 or send an email to info@givingstrong.com.

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